Perl NotesArrays
# Number of elements in an array $x = scalar @array; $x = scalar @$rarray; # reference to an array # Largest index in array $x = $#array; $x = $#$rarray; # reference to an array # Add to the end of an array push @array, $element; # Add to the beginning of an array unshift @array, $element; # Remove from the beginning of an array $var = shift @array; # Remove from the end of an array $var = pop @array; # Remove an element in an array my @array = qw/ John Frank Remon Jim Dave Lon /; # Remove Jim from array for (my $x = $#array; $x >= 0; $x--) { if ($array[$x] eq "Jim") { splice @array, $x, 1; # remove the element } # end if } # end for # Pass a reference to an array &doSomething (\@array); # Refer to an element using a reference to an array $$rarray[$x]; Hash
# Define a hash my %foodColor = ( Apple, "red", Banna, "yellow", Lemon, "yellow", Carrot, "orange" ); # Add an element $foodColor{Raspberry} = "pink"; # Print it out print "Known foods:\n","-" x 17 ,"\n"; foreach my $food (keys %foodColor) { print "$food: $foodColor{$food}\n"; } # end foreach # Another way of doing it while (($food, $color) = each (%foodColor)) { print "$food is $color\n"; } # end while # Check if an element exists if (exists $foodColor{"Apple"}) { print "Yes it is defined\n"; } else { print "Sorry it is not defined\n"; } # end if # Remove an element delete $foodColor{"Raspberry"}; Hash and Array references in a Hash
%phone = ('Home','555-1234','Office','555-5678'); @children = qw(Barb Laura Betty Jan); %FredSmith = ('Employee number','p11918','Phone',\%phone,'Children',\@children); print "Fred Smiths second child is $FredSmith{Children}->[1]\n"; print "Fred Smiths office phone is $FredSmith{'Phone'}->{Office}\n"; Test for an element in an Array
my @array = qw/Jim Beth Laurie Inga Kathy/; # Check for something in the array my $name = "Jim"; # If you only want to look for one or two names use: if (grep(/^$name$/,@array)) { print "Yes, $name was found.\n"; } # end if # If you want to look for a lot of stuff, use: my @namesToLookFor = qw/Jim Laurie Larry Kathy/; my %array = (); foreach my $e (@array) { $array{$e} = 1; } # end foreach foreach $name (@namesToLookFor) { if ($array{$name}) { print "$name was found.\n"; } # end if } # end foreach Modulus
$y = 50; # Print each number that is divisible by 50 foreach $x (1..1000) { unless ($x % $y) { print "$x = $x\n"; } # end if } # end foreach $x = 100; $y = 50; # Typical test unless ($x % $y) { print "No remainder\n"; } else { print "There is a remainder\n"; } # end if Options
# This script takes at least one argument. If the argument # -f is used, it must be followed by a filename. use strict; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw/$opt_v $opt_f $opt_i/; # Check and initialize options getopts ('vif:') || &usage; &usage if @ARGV == 0; print "Verbose is requested\n" if $opt_v; print "Interactive is requested\n" if $opt_i; print "Filename is $opt_f\n" if $opt_f; print "@ARGV\n"; ######################################################## sub usage { print "\n\tUsage: scriptName [-iv] [-f filename]\n\n"; exit; } # end sub wantarray
my ($a,$b) = &wantarrayTest; print "a = $a\n"; print "b = $b\n"; $a = &wantarrayTest; print "a = $a\n"; #################### Subroutine ######################################### sub wantarrayTest { my $x = 6; my $y = 7; my $z = 8; return wantarray ? ($x,$y) : $z; } # end sub Pass File Handle References
use strict; # Open file for reading open ( TEMPLATE,"$template" ) or die "Could not open template file"; &doSomething (\*TEMPLATE); close (TEMPLATE); ################# Subroutine ########################################## sub doSomething { my ($filePointer) = @_; while (<$filePointer>) { next unless /\S/; # Skip blank lines. } # end while } # end sub Modify a Unix File Without Changing the Modification Time
# Make sure there is a filename to use die "\n\tThis script takes an argument\n\n" if (@ARGV == 0); # Initialize variable my $targetFile = $ARGV[0]; # Get the modification time of the file my ($mtime) = (stat($targetFile))[9]; # vi the file system ("vi $targetFile"); # Return the modification time utime $mtime, $mtime, "$targetFile"; Signal Handler
use strict; eval { # Install signal handlers $SIG{INT} = sub { die "Caught interrupt" }; $SIG{HUP} = sub { die "Caught interrupt" }; # Start a forever loop and press ^C for an interrupt test while (1) { sleep 1; } # end while }; # end eval # Close down and clean up if ctl-c or interrupt occurred if ($@) { # Print exit message print "\nExiting with: $@\n"; # Close files and erase temporary files } # end if Time Out
use strict; # Define what to do if the signal ALRM is detected $SIG{ALRM} = sub {&timedOut}; # Look for the alarm eval { # Define the timeout period in seconds alarm (10); # Do something to test it sleep 11; # Turn the alarm off alarm (0); }; # end eval ###### Sub ######################################################### sub timedOut { print "Process timed out.\n"; print "Do whatever it takes to finish the job and clean up.\n"; } # end sub Circular Arrays
use strict; my @array1 = qw/1 2/; my @array2 = qw/1 2 3/; my @array3 = qw/1 2 3 4 5/; foreach (0 .. 24) { # Print element 1 of each array print $array1[0],$array2[0],$array3[0],"\n"; # Rotate the elements in each array push(@array1, shift(@array1)); push(@array2, shift(@array2)); push(@array3, shift(@array3)); # Uncomment to rotate the other way #unshift (@array1, pop(@array1)); #unshift (@array2, pop(@array2)); #unshift (@array3, pop(@array3)); } # end foreach Numeric Sort
use strict; my @array = qw/12 2 147 36/; # Sometimes a string sort does not give us the results we want @array = sort @array; print "@array\n"; # output is: 12 147 2 36 # This is an example of a numeric sort @array = sort { $a <=> $b } @array; print "@array\n"; # output is: 2 12 36 147 mkdir
$dir = "/tmp/james"; mkdir ($dir, 0755) || die "Failed to make directory \"$dir\": $!"; chmod
$dir = "/tmp/james"; chmod 0700, $dir,'/tmp/jr1'; Return Code From System
$dir = "/tmp/james"; my $status = system ("/bin/mkdir $dir 2>/dev/null"); die "mkdir cmd failed" if $status != 0; Proper Tense
#@array = qw/jim smith/; @array = qw/jim/; printf "Birthday%s in March 2000\n",(@array == 1) ? "" : "s"; flock
# Load file content into an array open (FILE,"+< $userDataFile") || die "could not open datefile"; flock (FILE, 2); # wait for exclusive lock seek (FILE, 0, 0); # rewind to beginning my @fileContent = <FILE>; # get current content close (FILE); # Other useful commands are: seek (FILE, 0, 0); # rewind to beginning truncate (FILE, 0); # empty the file Here Documents
# This is the basic way to write a here document print <<"EOF"; This will be printed exactly as it appears here until the EOF appears on a line by itself with no whitespace. EOF # If you want to indent your text in a subroutine but do not # want it indented in the output, try this. (my $text = <<" EOF") =~ s/^\s+//gm; This text will not be indented when printed. EOF print $text;