Perl ExamplesCheck Daylight Savings Time
#################### Subroutine ######################################### sub checkDaylightSavingsTime { # Check to see if the daylight savings time is currently in effect. # It starts the first Sunday in April and ends the last Sunday in October. # Initialize variables my ($daylightSavingsTime,$apr,$oct) = ("no",3,9); # Get the current time my ($day,$month,$weekday) = (localtime)[3,4,6]; if ($month > $apr && $month < $oct) { $daylightSavingsTime = "yes"; } elsif ($month == $apr) { $daylightSavingsTime = "yes" if ($day - $weekday) >= 1; } elsif ($month == $oct) { my $daysUntilSunday = (7 - $weekday); $daylightSavingsTime = "yes" if ($day + $daysUntilSunday) <= 31; } # end if return ($daylightSavingsTime); } # end sub Combine and Sort Arrays
use strict; my @array1 = qw/Jim Beth Laurie Inga Kathy/; my @array2 = qw/Laurie Sally Jim Carol/; &combineAndSortArrays (\@array1, \@array2); print "@array1\n"; # Output will be: Beth Carol Inga Jim Kathy Laurie Sally #################### Subroutine ######################################### sub combineAndSortArrays { # Combine the two arrays and make sure each element is unique # The arrays are passed in as a reference my($rarray1, $rarray2) = @_; # Combine the two groups push(@$rarray1, @$rarray2); # Remove duplicates my %temp = (); @$rarray1 = grep ++$temp{$_} <2, @$rarray1; # Sort @$rarray1 = sort @$rarray1; } # end sub Elements Unique To One Array
use strict; my @array1 = qw/Jim Beth Laurie Inga Kathy/; my @array2 = qw/Laurie Sally Jim Carol/; my @array1only = (); &elementsUniqueToArray (\@array1, \@array2, \@array1only); print "@array1only \n"; # Output will be: Beth Inga Kathy #################### Subroutine ######################################### sub elementsUniqueToArray { # Find the elements in array1 but not array2 # The arrays are passed in as a reference my($rarray1, $rarray2, $rarray1only) = @_; my %seen = (); foreach my $item (@$rarray2) { $seen{$item} = 1; } # end foreach foreach my $item (@$rarray1) { unless ($seen{$item}) { # it's not in %seen, so add it to @array1only push @$rarray1only, $item; } # end unless } # end foreach } # end sub Intersection of Two Arrays
use strict; my @array1 = qw/Jim Beth Laurie Inga Kathy/; my @array2 = qw/Laurie Sally Jim Carol/; my @isect = (); &intersectionOfArrays (\@array1, \@array2, \@isect); print "@isect\n"; # Output will be: Jim Laurie #################### Subroutine ######################################### sub intersectionOfArrays { # Show the intersection of two arrays # The arrays are passed in as a reference my($rarray1, $rarray2, $risect) = @_; # Initialize variables my (%union, %isect, $e); %union = %isect = (); foreach $e (@$rarray1) { $union{$e} = 1; } # end foreach foreach $e (@$rarray2) { $isect{$e} = 1 if $union{$e}; } # end foreach @$risect = keys %isect; } # end sub Current Time
#################### Subroutine ######################################### sub currentTime { # This is an example of the code to supply the system date and time # The output format is: Tue 03/02/99 13:34:58 my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday)=localtime(time); my $thisday = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")[$wday]; $year = substr($year,-2); my $time = (sprintf("%s %02d/%02d/%s %02d:%02d:%02d", $thisday,++$mon,$mday,$year,$hour,$min,$sec)); return $time; } # end sub Get Real Name
#################### Subroutine ######################################### sub getRealName { my ($person) = @_; # Get the real name of the user running this script my $gcos = (getpwnam($person))[6] if defined $person; # Compensate for a poor SATCOM gcos field if (defined $gcos) { $gcos =~ s/\s\D{1,3}\d.*//; # Remove the badge # to the end of line $gcos =~ s/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g; # Lower case except 1st character $gcos =~ s/\bMc(.)/Mc\u$1/g; # Take care of Mc last names $gcos = substr($gcos,0,17); # Limit the length $gcos =~ s/\s+$//; # Remove any trailing spaces } else { $gcos = ""; } # end if return ($gcos); } # end sub Leap Year
#################### Subroutine ######################################### sub isLeapYear { my ($year) = @_; my $leapYear = "no"; if ( (($year % 4 == 0) && ($year % 100 != 0)) || ($year % 400) == 0) { $leapYear = "yes"; } # end if return ($leapYear); } # end sub Calculate Days Until
use Time::Local; my $date = "7/13/02"; my $days = &daysUntil ($date); print "$days days until some event\n"; #################### Subroutine ######################################### sub daysUntil { my ($date) = @_; my ($month,$day,$year) = split ('/',$date); $month--; # Get the future day in epoch days my $futureTime = timelocal(0,0,0,$day,$month,$year); my $futureDays = int($futureTime / (24*60*60)); # Get the current time in epoch days my $currentDays = int(time / (24*60*60)); return ($futureDays - $currentDays); } # end sub Remove Spaces
$one = " word"; $two = "word2 "; ($one,$two) = &removeSpaces ($one,$two); print "| $one $two |\n"; $one = &removeSpaces ($one); print "| $one |\n"; #################### Subroutine ######################################### sub removeSpaces { my (@strings) = @_; foreach my $string (@strings) { $string =~ s/^\s+//; # Get rid of white space at the beginning of $string $string =~ s/\s+$//; # Get rid of white space at the end of $string chomp ($string); } # end foreach return wantarray ? @strings : $strings[0]; } # end sub Print Columns
use POSIX; my $numberOfColumns = 3; # Must be a number from 1 to 5 my $width = 10; # How wide do you want each column my @array = qw/0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21/; &printMultipleColumns (\@array, $numberOfColumns, $width); #################### Subroutine ######################################### sub printMultipleColumns { my ($rarray, $numberOfColumns, $width) = @_; my $numElm = ceil(@$rarray/$numberOfColumns); for (my $x = 0; $x < $numElm; $x++) { printf "%-${width}s%-${width}s%-${width}s%-${width}s%-s\n", $$rarray[$x], $$rarray[$x+$numElm], $$rarray[$x+(2*$numElm)], $$rarray[$x+(3*$numElm)], $$rarray[$x+(4*$numElm)]; } # end for } # end sub Fun With File Permissions
use strict; my $perm = "750"; $perm = &setPermissions ($perm); print "permissions = $perm\n"; # output is: permissions = rwxr-x--- $perm = &goTheOtherWay ($perm); print "permissions = $perm\n"; # output is: permissions = 750 ############################################################### sub setPermissions { my ($permissions) = @_; # Define permissions array my @array = qw(--- --x -r- -rx r-- r-x rw- rwx); # Break the permissions down to its components my ($owner, $group, $world) = split //, $permissions; # Return permissions return ("$array[$owner]$array[$group]$array[$world]"); } # end sub ############################################################### sub goTheOtherWay { my ($permissions) = @_; # Build a permissions hash my %numbers; my @array = qw(--- --x -r- -rx r-- r-x rw- rwx); for (my $x = 0; $x <= $#array; $x++) { $numbers{$array[$x]} = $x; } # end for # Break the permissions down to its components my ($owner, $group, $world) = unpack ("A3 A3 A3", $permissions); # Return permissions return ("$numbers{$owner}$numbers{$group}$numbers{$world}"); } # end sub Commify
use strict; my $num = 123456789; print &commify ($num), "\n"; # output would be: 123,456,789 #################### Subroutine ######################################### sub commify { # Adds commas to numbers my ($text) = @_; $text = reverse $_[0]; $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!d*\.)/$1,/g; return scalar reverse $text; } # end sub Generate Password
#################### Subroutine ######################################### sub generatePasswd { my ($number, $character); # This is a subroutine to generate a password. All alpha chars are in lower case. # The character "l" and the numbers "0" and "1" are not used because they may # generate confusion with other characters. # Create random password my @chars = ("a" .. "k","m" .. "z", 2 .. 9); my $password = join ("", @chars [ map { rand @chars } (1 ..8) ]); # If there isn't at least one number in the password, put one there. if ($password !~ /\d/) { @chars = (2 .. 9); $number = join ("", @chars [ map { rand @chars } (1) ]); substr ($password,2,1) = $number; } # end if # If there isn't at least one character in the password, put one there. if ($password !~ /[a-z]/) { @chars = ("a" .. "k","m" .. "z"); $character = join ("", @chars [ map { rand @chars } (1) ]); substr ($password,3,1) = $character; } # end if return ($password); } # end sub Encrypt Password
#################### Subroutine ######################################### sub encryptPasswd { my ($passwd) = @_; # Generate a random salt my @chars = ("A" .. "Z","a" .. "z", 0 .. 9, qw(! @ $ ^ & *)); my $salt = join ("", @chars [ map { rand @chars } (1..2) ]); # Encrypt password my $cpasswd = crypt ($passwd, $salt); return $cpasswd; } # end sub Check Password
#################### Subroutine ######################################### sub checkPasswd { my ($epasswd, $password) = @_; my $valid; my $salt = substr $epasswd, 0, 2; if (crypt ($password, $salt) ne $epasswd) { $valid = "not-valid"; } else { $valid = "valid"; }# end if return $valid; } # end if Scramble Password
#################### Subroutine ######################################### sub scramblePassword { # This is not meant to be any sort on encryption. It is only to make # sure the causal observer does not see your password if the # configuration file is being edited or printed. # Each apha character is shifted over three positions. An "a" becomes # a "d", a "b" becomes an "e" and so forth. my ($compassPasswd) = @_; $compassPasswd =~ tr [a-zA-Z0-9] [d-zabcD-ZABC2-701]; return $compassPasswd; } # end sub ########### Sub ################################################### sub unscramblePassword { my ($compassPasswd) = @_; $compassPasswd =~ tr [d-zabcD-ZABC2-701] [a-zA-Z0-9]; return $compassPasswd; } # end sub Script used to write this page
############################################################################# # # File Name: writePage # # Description: This script writes a webpage in HTML. It is used to tie # a series of subroutines or examples together to form a webpage # which can be used for reference anywhere. Each time a subroutine # or example is changed, this script can be rerun to update # the page. # # A configuration file called "config" is needed to run this # script. As example config file is included at the end of # this script. # # The configuration file must not have any blank lines. # The first line is the title for the page. The second # line is the title of the example or subroutine. The third # line is the name of the file where the example or subroutine # is located. The file for the third line is then inserted # into the page. # # Usage: writePage # # Version: 1.0 # ############################################################################# # Open output file open (OUT,">data.html") or die "Could not open file: data"; # Load config file array my @configArray = (); &loadConfigArray (\@configArray); # Write header my ($title) = (split (':\s*',$configArray[0],2))[1]; chomp $title; &writeHeader ($title,\*OUT); # Generate top link table &generateTopLinkTable (\*OUT, \@configArray); # Process the config file and do the work for (my $x = 1; $x <= $#configArray; $x += 2) { my ($title) = (split(':\s*',$configArray[$x],2))[1]; my $fileName = $configArray[$x + 1]; chomp ($title, $fileName); # Write file to output &catFile ($title, $fileName, "JUMPTO$x", \*OUT); } # end for # Write footer &writeFooter (\*OUT); close (OUT); ############# Sub ############################################ sub generateTopLinkTable { my ($fileHandle, $rconfigArray) = @_; print $fileHandle "<center><table><tr><td><ul>\n"; my $x = 1; foreach (@$rconfigArray) { if (/^TITLE:/) { chomp; my ($title) = (split (':\s*',$_,2))[1]; print $fileHandle "<LI><A HREF=\"#JUMPTO$x\">$title</A></LI>\n"; $x += 2; } # end if } # end foreach print $fileHandle "</ul></td></tr></table></center>\n"; } # end sub ############# Sub ############################################ sub catFile { my ($title, $fileToCat, $lable, $fileHandle) = @_; print $fileHandle "<P><hr><P><center><h3><A NAME=\"$lable\">$title</A>"; print $fileHandle "</h3></center><P>\n\n<pre>\n"; # Load file to array my @fileArray = (); open (OUT1, "$fileToCat") or die "Could not open $fileToCat"; while (<OUT1>) { # Change things that look like <FILEHANDLE> to symbols so # they are not interpreted a HTML Tag. s/</</g; # The second < is really a "& lt;" without the space s/>/>/g; # The second > is really a "& gt;" without the space push @fileArray, $_; } # end while close (OUT1); # Remove the beginning and ending blank lines &removeBegAndEndBlankLines (\@fileArray); # Write to the output file print $fileHandle @fileArray; print $fileHandle "</pre>\n"; } # end sub ############# Sub ############################################ sub removeBegAndEndBlankLines { my ($rarray) = @_; # Remove the beginning blank lines as well as the shebang line for (my $x = 0; $x <= $#$rarray; $x++) { unless ($$rarray[$x] =~ /^\s*$/ || $$rarray[$x] =~ /\/perl/) { # shorten the array $x elements starting from the 0th element splice @$rarray, 0, $x; last; } # end unless } # end for # Remove the blank lines at the end of the file array for (my $x = $#$rarray; $x >= 0; $x-- ){ # read the array in reverse if ($$rarray[$x] =~ /\S/) { # look for non-blank line last; } else { pop @$rarray; # shorten the array by one element } # end if } # end for } # end sub ############# Sub ############################################ sub writeHeader { my ($title,$fileHandle) = @_; (my $text = <<" end_tag") =~ s/^\s+//gm; <html> <head> <title>$title</title> </head> <body background="images/glotextb.gif" bgcolor=#FFFCC"> <center> <table width=85%><tr><td> <center><h1>$title</h1></center> end_tag print $fileHandle $text, "\n\n"; } # end sub ############# Sub ############################################ sub writeFooter { my ($fileHandle) = @_; (my $text = <<" end_tag") =~ s/^\s+//gm; <p> </td></table> </center> </body> </html> end_tag print $fileHandle $text; } # end sub ############# Sub ############################################ sub loadConfigArray { my ($rconfigArray) = @_; # Since this is a user edited file, make it flexable in terms # of white space and comments open (CONFIG,"config") or die "Could not open file: config"; while (<CONFIG>) { s/#.*//; # no comments s/^\s+//; # no leading white s/\s+$//; # no trailing white next unless /\S/; # no blank lines push @$rconfigArray, $_; } # end while close (CONFIG); } # end sub ############# Example config file ############################ # PAGETITLE: Perl Examples # TITLE: Check Daylight Savings Time # checkDaylightSavingsTime # TITLE: Combine and Sort Arrays # combineAndSortArrays # TITLE: Current Time # currentTime # TITLE: Get Real Name # getRealName # TITLE: Leap Year # isLeapYear # TITLE: Calculate Days Until # par # TITLE: Remove Spaces # removeSpaces # TITLE: Print Columns # thirds # TITLE: Generate Password # generatePasswd # TITLE: Encrypt Password # encryptPasswd # TITLE: Check Password # checkPasswd # TITLE: Scramble Password # scramblePasswd # TITLE: Script used to write this page # writePage